Business Formulas for Operations Management

We’ve demystified complex calculations so that everyone can tap into the power and insights of advanced formulas. No mathematicians required.

How Our Advanced Formulas Work

  • Select options from dropdown menus to configure desired data fields.
  • Select & arrange the specific math operations to complete the calculations.
  • Apply variables when calculating deadlines or automatically generating scores based on data inputs.
  • Review calculated text, numbers, dates, times, or even list values.
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Here’s Why Companies Choose Advanced Formulas


“It’s great to be able to tell a story with data. With Onspring, you can relay a story simply and compel management to see that there’s some action that needs to come from the data. That’s a win every time.”

– Senior Director, Enterprise Risk & Internal Audit for Fidelity Life Insurance Company

When you want to see just how advanced these formulas really are

Check out the capacity of advanced formulas.
Read the case study

When you want to automate calculations to quickly project risk scenarios & likelihoods

Learn how to level up your enterprise risk management.
Explore risk formulas

Want to see how advanced formulas
make even the most complex spreadsheet
look basic?

Ask for a personalized demo
Best Reports for Business Continuity & Disaster Planning from Onspring

Wondering how advanced formulas impact business continuity planning?

We compiled our most important reports─to make it easier to see the impact of calculating the right way.

Give me the reports